Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Following A Schedule

So, I guess that one of the most important things that I have learned along this adventure is that a schedule is manadatory! Without a schedule it is very difficult to do everything that you must do to keep your business running smoothly.

When I started at Wealthy Affiliate University I was very pleased to see that they start you on their own type of schedule right away. It is an 8 part course and you spend one week on each course. This equals an 8 week training session. It walks you through every single thing that you need to know. For some parts of the course I would spend a little more than a week if it was a particularly hard learning session. But, most of the time I stayed right on schedule.

Wealthy Affiliate University has taught me so much. I can't wait to update again on what other wonderful things that I have learned. Until then, take care of yourself!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Affiliate Marketing Going Great

I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted. It is now my goal to post to his blog at least once a week. I guess that it has been so long because time has just blown by. I have been very busy working on my Internet business. Affiliate Marketing is really great because you can work from home and you can work the hours that you like. I really enjoy it and it doesn't feel like a job. It is actually fun!

I should give an update on my achievements in this last month and a half. First, I have joined a wonderful program. It contains people and tools that have made this time so much easier. A forum of great people and a arsenol of tools have made building my Affiliate Marketing business much easier. This wonderful program is called Wealthy Affiliate University. The name really says it all.

I will write another post with an update on some of the goals that I have accomplished. But, for now I am going to go write a few articles to promote some of my affiliates products. Oh yeah, that it one of the things that I learned to do really well at Wealthy Affiliate University, write great articles to promote products.

Until next time, keep learning all that you can!


Monday, January 5, 2009

My Affiliate Marketing Adventure

Hello Everyone!

My name is Erin. This is a very exciting day for me. It is Monday the 5th of January of 2009. A new year and a new adventure. I am going to call this my Affiliate Marketing Adventure.

Basically, without going into a ton of details yet, I am going to start Affiliate Marketing on the Internet and see just how much money that I can make in the year 2009.

A little bit of history - I have a bit of experience with this as I have had a website about Infertility for about a year or two and I have been making about $25 USD a month on it. No, it is not a lot but it is enough for me to pay my hosting fees. You can check it out at: www.fertilityhelper.net

I hope that you will ride along with me on this exciting journey! I will be making posts regularly and I will keep you all up to date on just how much money that I am making!

Good Luck to me! :)

To Making Tons of Molla,